About Us
Mission – To build a resort style facility structured around modern and advanced holistic and naturopathic therapies for physical and spiritual healing.
Intention – To guide and assist others on their spiritual journey thus raising the world’s collective consciousness.
Value – Immeasurable, raising awareness of oneself to create an “I AM” relationship. Building bonds of love with oneself creates endless avenues of love with others.
Chakra Wonders is an organization rising funds to build a naturopathic and holistic resort. We do this by providing products and accessories to those interested in astrology, metaphysics and varies self-healing practices. Our vision is to build a spa like resort that houses all aspects of natural and holistic medicines, spiritual and mental services, as well as a diverse range of physical healings catered to you and your specific needs as they pertain to your birth/star chart and human design pattern. Our desire is to raise the energetic vibration of others by helping them to realize their own inner light. As philosophers of the mind, body, and spirit, we offer our light energy to assist you while on your journey. Help us realize our dream of a unified holistic and naturalistic healing resort so that we can assist more people on their self-healing path and journey towards the light. Awareness is the first step along the path to enlightenment.